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Sponsor Information

Our Vision

We provide information, research and support for companies working on Reshoring projects. This includes topics such as site selection, tax incentives, science and math education, marketing, public relations and cost comparisons.

Our Mission

The Reshoring Institute provides research and support for companies bringing manufacturing and services back to America.

Our Graduate Student Interns

Interns work 100 paid hours per semester on directed research in support of the Institute’s research agenda or as directed by our clients. Your tax-free contribution goes directly to support our interns and the research efforts.

Our Research Agenda

Current research plans and opportunities are available on request. At the Platinum Sponsor level, a specific research project can be tailored to meet your needs.

Our Sponsors

Our sponsors are businesses that support and want to make an impact in bringing manufacturing and services back to America. Sponsorships are available at the Contributing, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels.

More Information

Contact or call 408-605-8867

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