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June Newsletter Banner large

Exciting times at the Reshoring Institute! We just completed an amazing semester where we completed several research projects, participated in several events and scheduled several more.

New Intern Blog Series

To highlight the work that our awesome student researchers are doing we asked them to blog about the work that they are doing and their experience working for the Reshoring Institute.

EP for blog

ZH For blog

AB Blog for Blog

Telling Our Stories Through Infographics

According to Wikipedia, infographics have been around since 1626 where they were used to demonstrate the rotation of the sun in Christoph Scheiner‘s Rosa Ursina sive Sol. Our infographics, examples above, give the readers a graphical representation of our white papers and case studies. If you are interested in reshoring and the companies who have brought manufacturing back to the US, our infographics tell you the complete story in an A4 frame.

The Reshoring Institute is a member of the National Manufacturing Association (NAM) which sponsors the annual National Manufacturing Day the first Friday of October. This year MFG Day is on October 2, 2015 and we will be hosting several events in Silicon Valley and the San Diego area including a 5k race and 1 mile fun run at the Naval Training Center (NTC) park on October 3, 2015.Details including categories for the costume contest can be found here.

Area Development Consultant’s Forum

Did you catch Rosemary Coates’ presentation at the Area Development Consultant’s Forum on June 1?  She presented to a few hundred economic development professionals on how Reshoring will affect the growth of jobs in the US.  Watch for our list of attractive cities where economic development is important. Coming soon to

Upcoming Events

Walmart for blog

Costume Contest for blog

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